Arm Lift – Brachioplasty Procedure Lancaster
It often feels impossible to get rid of loose upper arm skin. You can’t exercise it away, so what can you do with it? If you’ve asked yourself this, consider an arm lift. This procedure removes excess arm skin and makes the area look toned and beautiful.
Arm lift surgery involves the creation of two incisions (one on each arm) that typically go from each armpit area to each elbow. These upper arm incisions are the access points that your plastic surgeon uses to remove tissues from the areas. Fat deposits are taken out, and the muscles of the arm are tightened with sutures. That sagging upper arm skin is trimmed away, and the remaining skin is redraped.
After the arm lift procedure, the incisions are closed with surgical stitches. Do you have questions regarding the procedure? The best way to get answers to your questions is with a visit to a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Jason Lichten. Set up your consultation today – contact our office and arrange an appointment.