Mommy Makeover Package – Tummy Tuck Lancaster

Your Mommy Makeover package will include several procedures to recontour and enhance your body after pregnancy. If desired, your Mommy Makeover will feature a tummy tuck procedure. The tummy tuck procedure is a perfect solution for mothers who are unhappy with their abdomens.
Pregnancy expands the midsection, pushing apart and weakening the muscles of the abdominal wall. Because the skin is stretched, stretch marks are created. After the weight of pregnancy is lost, there is excess hanging skin, and pockets of excess fat may remain. The tummy tuck aspect of the Mommy Makeover package can correct all of these issues.
Dr. Jason Lichten is an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon with the skills needed to bring you back to your pre-pregnancy body! Learn more about tummy tucks and the Mommy Makeover package – contact our office today.